Just six weeks ago, Bologna boss Sinisa Mihajlovic was diagnosed with leukaemia.

He promised his players he'd be with them for the first game of the season.

After 41 nights in hospital, he made it.

Even the visiting fans chanted his name
https://t.co/LVhldl3nzH pic.twitter.com/gneHGCebCi

— BBC Sport (@BBCSport) August 26, 2019

Sinisa Mihajlovic has been in the hospital for the past 6 weeks undergoing chemotherapy to fight against his Leukaemia.

Today despite it all, he's coaching Bologna from the sideline because he wanted to be there for his team on their opening match pic.twitter.com/PtS6y6NLBt

— Italian Football TV (@IFTVofficial) August 25, 2019

Mihajlovic a Verona, l'ematologo. "Buon segnale: รจ forte, ma serve prudenza" - Cronaca https://t.co/Eph7T6DPbk

— fabio chiarini (@ChiariniFabio) August 26, 2019